Alpha is by the Church, for the Church, through the Church, and in 2023, 1,390 churches ran Alpha. We exist to serve and support churches in making disciples of Jesus Christ, while we play our part in the evangelisation of society through the transformation of society. Our team works to let people know what Alpha is and how to use Alpha to create and support a culture of evangelisation in their local churches. In 2023, 231 unique churches were impacted by our trainings, coachings and meetings. By supporting churches locally, we are able to make a difference regionally, at a state level and nationally, as well.
2,270 Churches and
Organisations RAN ALPHA
in 2023
Alphas Run in Each
STATE 2023

Alongside the network One Church Penrith, Alpha led a training event attended by 120 ministry leaders across different churches and denominations . We offered a range of training options for these leaders and were able to encourage them and unite them together in the cause of evangelisation.

One of the highlights of the year was working with churches in Albany, Western Australia. In the lead-up to Easter, church leaders from all across Albany met together weekly to pray for their local community. They decided to run Alpha in all of their churches to reach those who were interested in exploring or rediscovering faith.
The Queensland Baptist Movement joined together to mobilise and train teams to facilitate over 200 Alphas in 2023! Churches across the Queensland Baptist Movement invited friends, family and colleagues to try Alpha for the first time and the response was overwhelming. Many people found a relationship with Jesus and were baptised, and the move of God is only continuing across the state. All baptist churches in Queensland now run Alpha in conjunction with one another, bringing about a true sense of unity and camaraderie amongst the baptist denomination across the entire state. Glory to God for all He's doing in Queensland!
Tours and

Emmy Wilson
In March 2023, Alpha had the honour of inviting Emmy Wilson from Holy Trinity Brompton in the UK to travel across Australia. Emmy came to encourage and pray with churches who have a heart for people in prison. In each city she shared incredible stories of healing and transformation and how she has used Alpha as a tool to reach those in prison. These events were impactful for so many churches across the country and allowed churches and leaders to better understand how they can support prisoners post-release.

Leadership Tour
& Conference
The Alpha Leadership Tour & Conference in May 2023 was an incredible time of joining together with 130 Australian ministry leaders on a perspective-shifting trip to the United Kingdom. We spent a week together hearing from Nikcy and Pippa Gumbel, N.T. Wright, Sandy Millar, Nicky and Sila Lee, Ger Jones and so many more incredible leaders and teachers. It was an opportunity to worship and pray alongside Church leaders from around the world and hear what God is doing not only in Australia, but all across the earth.

Ger Jones
In July 2023, we had the privilege of of hosting Alpha practitioner and Senior Pastor, Ger Jones, from Vintage Church in Los Angeles. Hosted in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney, Ger Jones led masterclasses aimed to inspire and equip leaders to build a culture of evangelism and discipleship in their own contexts and communities. These masterclasses were yet another avenue for our team to support churches and church leaders in making disciples of Jesus Christ in 2023.

Church Innovators & Creatives Tour
Renaissance Conference
In November 2023, Alpha hosted a group of like-minded innovators and creatives in London. The focal point of the event was the Renaissance Conference with Al Gordon and creative leaders, church pioneers, artists and entrepreneurs from all over the world. We gathered around the belief and prayer that God would deposit something in us in London to bring home to Australia – a new renaissance that would flow from every church to every community.

Global Chinese Alpha Conference
In July 2023, pastors and leaders gathered in Singapore to be inspired, equipped and empowered to reach the Chinese globally. With 1.5 billion people, the Chinese are the largest ethnic group in the world and Alpha has a vision to play a part in the evangelisation of the Chinese people. This time together in Singapore enabled Chinese pastors and leaders to network with one another and become equipped with the evangelistic tool of Alpha so that they could better evangelise in their communities.